SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador ? U.S. Ambassador Mari Carmen Aponte is saying her goodbyes in El Salvador after Senate Republicans refused to ratify her in the post.
Aponte has drawn fire for an editorial she wrote in a Salvadoran newspaper advocating acceptance of gays and lesbians, and long-standing rumors of past involvement with a man once believed linked to Cuban intelligence agencies.
She has been serving under a recess appointment by President Barack Obama since September 2010.
Deputy Chief of Mission Sean Murphy will be in charge of the embassy.
Aponte told a news conference Friday she was "proud of the work we have done here."
Aponte is expected to leave El Salvador Saturday, the day her recess appointment runs out.
UC3M collaborates in the largest experiment in real time on cooperation in societyPublic release date: 30-Dec-2011 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Ana Herrera Carlos III University of Madrid
This release is available in Spanish.
A total of 1,303 high school students in Aragon have participated in an online scientific-social experiment to determine the problems and conflicts arising from cooperation in present day society.
This experiment, organized by the Instituto Biocomputacin y Fsica de Sistemas Complejos (The Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems) (BIFI) at the Universidad de Zaragoza, together with the Fundacin Ibercivis and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), is the largest one of its kind carried out in real time in this field until now.
The study starts with the hypothesis that the structure of the population determines the level of cooperation among its individuals. This experiment made it possible to carry out interaction between students from 42 secondary schools, based on the prototype of social conflict known as "The Prisoner's Dilemma". To be precise, this game shows that the greatest benefit for persons who interact is produced when both sides collaborate; however, if one person collaborates and the other does not, the latter obtains more benefits. This, on occasion, triggers the possibility of taking advantage of the collaboration of others. But if this tendency grows, in the end, nobody cooperates and nobody obtains benefits.
Experiment in real time
The significance of this experiment is that it is carried out in real time, in the space of three hours, among students from secondary schools throughout Aragon. In addition, this experiment featured a high degree of participation, with the largest existing results to date having been gathered by groups at Harvard University (120 participants) and UC3M (169 participants). In the latter case, the conclusion reached by the researchers from this Madrid university is that a situation where the majority of people collaborate is never attained. This is due to the fact that a significant portion of people never cooperate or do so depending on the decision of their neighbors, or their moods at the time, according to this experimental study. Another of the notable conclusions obtained is that there are different types of people: people who always try to help their neighbors (around 5 percent), some that never do so (35 percent) and others who cooperate according to their mood or depending on what their neighbors did previously (60 percent).
The presentation and live monitoring this experiment took place this past December 20 in the Aragon capital city at the La Espacio Zaragoza Activa, which became a monitoring and real time visualization room for the results of this experiment. During this event, in which Francisco Marcelln, Head of the UC3M Mathematics Department was present, the following also participated: Miguel ngel Garca, Head of Research and Innovation for the Aragon Government; Ricardo Cavero, Head of Science and Technology for the Zaragoza Municipal Government; Maria Luisa Borao, Director of the Ibercaja Cultural Centers in Zaragoza; Alfonso Tarancn, Director of BIFI and Yamir Moreno, BIFI Scientific Secretary and experiment coordinator, together with the UC3M Full Professors of Mathematics, Jos A. Cuesta and Anxo Snchez, both from the Grupo Interdisciplinar de Sistemas Complejos (GISC) (Interdisciplinary Group of Complex Systems). Professor Moreno presented the preliminary conclusions the following day.
More cooperation among girls
Thanks to the preliminary results of this study initial analysis has been able to prove that in certain parameters there are differences regarding the level of cooperation. For example, in relation to the sex of the participants, girls cooperated 10 percent more than did boys. A clear difference was also observed according to the type of secondary school program studied, with students of humanities and social sciences obtaining a level of cooperation 4 percent higher than those studying scientific technology. However, there were no important differences regarding the number of family members of the students (if they were only children or had more siblings) nor were there differences according to their geographical origins (if they were from rural or urban areas). In global terms, a 35 percent rate of cooperation was observed in the participants, which means that approximately one out of three students cooperated.
These results seem to confirm, according to the researchers, that the structure of the interaction network influences in a medium level of cooperation. That is, different levels of cooperation in the regular network have been observed in which all the users are connected with the same number of classmates/neighbors, and the heterogeneous, the so-called "scale-free" one, in which some persons are very connected (with many neighbors) and others very little. The researchers in charge of the experiment continue to extract data for more detailed analysis and with that will be able to obtain more results leading to in scientific journals publications.
Two types of tests
The experiment mainly consisted of two types of tests, each one made up of a different network. The first was a regular network, in which all the users were connected with the same number of schoolmates/neighbors. The second test used a heterogeneous network, the so-called "scale-free" types, in which some persons are very connected, that is, with many neighbors and others with very few. In both cases, the different behavior of the participants is compared when they always interact with the same neighbors, comparing that to what they do when after each interaction the structure of the population changes in a random way, and as such, with different neighbors.
If the hypothesis that the structure of the population determines the level of cooperation is true, different behavior will be observed when the neighbors are the same and when they change, and what is more, different levels of cooperation in the regular and heterogeneous network will be observed. If this is so, the hypothesis will be confirmed. On the contrary, the door will be left open to rule out the hypothesis, making it then be necessary to search for new alternatives to understand the main issue which is "the urgency of the cooperation".
This study has involved the participation of the following schools and institutes in Aragn. In the capital city of Zaragoza the following institutes participated: Goya, Pedro de Luna, Miralbueno, Ramn Pignatelli, Miguel Servet, Jernimo Zurita, Miguel Cataln, Jos Manuel Blecua, Andaln, Pablo Gargallo, Avempace, Francisco Grande Covin, Fundacin San Valero, Luis Buuel, Ramn y Cajal, Pablo Serrano and Azucarera, and the schools: Liceo Europa, Teresiano del Pilar, Sansuea, O.D Santo Domingo de Silos, Sagrado Corazn, Escuelas Pas, The British Institute of Aragon, San Alberto Magno, El Pilar Maristas and La Salle Gran Va. In other towns in the province the following institutes participated: Pirmide and Sierra de Guara in Huesca, Conde de Aranda in Alagn, Bajo Cinca in Fraga, Salvador Victoria in Monreal del Campo, Matarraa in Valderrobres, Zaurn in Ateca, Biello Aragn in Sabinigo, Gallicum in Zuera, Ro Arba in Tauste, Rodanas in pila, ngel Sanz Briz in Casetas, Valle de Jilocain Calamocha and Benjamn Jarns in Fuentes de Ebro and the school Santa Rosa-Altoaragn in Huesca.
The Aragon Government program Ciencia Viva also collaborated as the main organizer for all the participating public schools together with Hewlett Packard, Obra Social Ibercaja, the Zaragoza Municipal Government, El Corte Ingles Cultural Area and the Aragon Government as sponsors of the event.
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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
UC3M collaborates in the largest experiment in real time on cooperation in societyPublic release date: 30-Dec-2011 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Ana Herrera Carlos III University of Madrid
This release is available in Spanish.
A total of 1,303 high school students in Aragon have participated in an online scientific-social experiment to determine the problems and conflicts arising from cooperation in present day society.
This experiment, organized by the Instituto Biocomputacin y Fsica de Sistemas Complejos (The Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems) (BIFI) at the Universidad de Zaragoza, together with the Fundacin Ibercivis and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), is the largest one of its kind carried out in real time in this field until now.
The study starts with the hypothesis that the structure of the population determines the level of cooperation among its individuals. This experiment made it possible to carry out interaction between students from 42 secondary schools, based on the prototype of social conflict known as "The Prisoner's Dilemma". To be precise, this game shows that the greatest benefit for persons who interact is produced when both sides collaborate; however, if one person collaborates and the other does not, the latter obtains more benefits. This, on occasion, triggers the possibility of taking advantage of the collaboration of others. But if this tendency grows, in the end, nobody cooperates and nobody obtains benefits.
Experiment in real time
The significance of this experiment is that it is carried out in real time, in the space of three hours, among students from secondary schools throughout Aragon. In addition, this experiment featured a high degree of participation, with the largest existing results to date having been gathered by groups at Harvard University (120 participants) and UC3M (169 participants). In the latter case, the conclusion reached by the researchers from this Madrid university is that a situation where the majority of people collaborate is never attained. This is due to the fact that a significant portion of people never cooperate or do so depending on the decision of their neighbors, or their moods at the time, according to this experimental study. Another of the notable conclusions obtained is that there are different types of people: people who always try to help their neighbors (around 5 percent), some that never do so (35 percent) and others who cooperate according to their mood or depending on what their neighbors did previously (60 percent).
The presentation and live monitoring this experiment took place this past December 20 in the Aragon capital city at the La Espacio Zaragoza Activa, which became a monitoring and real time visualization room for the results of this experiment. During this event, in which Francisco Marcelln, Head of the UC3M Mathematics Department was present, the following also participated: Miguel ngel Garca, Head of Research and Innovation for the Aragon Government; Ricardo Cavero, Head of Science and Technology for the Zaragoza Municipal Government; Maria Luisa Borao, Director of the Ibercaja Cultural Centers in Zaragoza; Alfonso Tarancn, Director of BIFI and Yamir Moreno, BIFI Scientific Secretary and experiment coordinator, together with the UC3M Full Professors of Mathematics, Jos A. Cuesta and Anxo Snchez, both from the Grupo Interdisciplinar de Sistemas Complejos (GISC) (Interdisciplinary Group of Complex Systems). Professor Moreno presented the preliminary conclusions the following day.
More cooperation among girls
Thanks to the preliminary results of this study initial analysis has been able to prove that in certain parameters there are differences regarding the level of cooperation. For example, in relation to the sex of the participants, girls cooperated 10 percent more than did boys. A clear difference was also observed according to the type of secondary school program studied, with students of humanities and social sciences obtaining a level of cooperation 4 percent higher than those studying scientific technology. However, there were no important differences regarding the number of family members of the students (if they were only children or had more siblings) nor were there differences according to their geographical origins (if they were from rural or urban areas). In global terms, a 35 percent rate of cooperation was observed in the participants, which means that approximately one out of three students cooperated.
These results seem to confirm, according to the researchers, that the structure of the interaction network influences in a medium level of cooperation. That is, different levels of cooperation in the regular network have been observed in which all the users are connected with the same number of classmates/neighbors, and the heterogeneous, the so-called "scale-free" one, in which some persons are very connected (with many neighbors) and others very little. The researchers in charge of the experiment continue to extract data for more detailed analysis and with that will be able to obtain more results leading to in scientific journals publications.
Two types of tests
The experiment mainly consisted of two types of tests, each one made up of a different network. The first was a regular network, in which all the users were connected with the same number of schoolmates/neighbors. The second test used a heterogeneous network, the so-called "scale-free" types, in which some persons are very connected, that is, with many neighbors and others with very few. In both cases, the different behavior of the participants is compared when they always interact with the same neighbors, comparing that to what they do when after each interaction the structure of the population changes in a random way, and as such, with different neighbors.
If the hypothesis that the structure of the population determines the level of cooperation is true, different behavior will be observed when the neighbors are the same and when they change, and what is more, different levels of cooperation in the regular and heterogeneous network will be observed. If this is so, the hypothesis will be confirmed. On the contrary, the door will be left open to rule out the hypothesis, making it then be necessary to search for new alternatives to understand the main issue which is "the urgency of the cooperation".
This study has involved the participation of the following schools and institutes in Aragn. In the capital city of Zaragoza the following institutes participated: Goya, Pedro de Luna, Miralbueno, Ramn Pignatelli, Miguel Servet, Jernimo Zurita, Miguel Cataln, Jos Manuel Blecua, Andaln, Pablo Gargallo, Avempace, Francisco Grande Covin, Fundacin San Valero, Luis Buuel, Ramn y Cajal, Pablo Serrano and Azucarera, and the schools: Liceo Europa, Teresiano del Pilar, Sansuea, O.D Santo Domingo de Silos, Sagrado Corazn, Escuelas Pas, The British Institute of Aragon, San Alberto Magno, El Pilar Maristas and La Salle Gran Va. In other towns in the province the following institutes participated: Pirmide and Sierra de Guara in Huesca, Conde de Aranda in Alagn, Bajo Cinca in Fraga, Salvador Victoria in Monreal del Campo, Matarraa in Valderrobres, Zaurn in Ateca, Biello Aragn in Sabinigo, Gallicum in Zuera, Ro Arba in Tauste, Rodanas in pila, ngel Sanz Briz in Casetas, Valle de Jilocain Calamocha and Benjamn Jarns in Fuentes de Ebro and the school Santa Rosa-Altoaragn in Huesca.
The Aragon Government program Ciencia Viva also collaborated as the main organizer for all the participating public schools together with Hewlett Packard, Obra Social Ibercaja, the Zaragoza Municipal Government, El Corte Ingles Cultural Area and the Aragon Government as sponsors of the event.
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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
A garage fire that occurred in the 22800 block of Northeast Union Hill Road in unincorporated King County outside of Redmond has been determined to be arson by investigators.
Sgt. Cindi West with the King County Sheriff's Office said the fire occurred around 12:30 a.m. on Monday and was contained to the garage, which is not attached to the house.
West said Tuesday morning that the garage and everything inside, including two cars, were declared a total loss. No one was home at the time.
West said the fire is still under investigation and is unable to release any more details other than that it was intentionally set.
"It's an arson, but nothing ?has been released at this point," she said.
About 18-20 firefighters from the Redmond and Duvall Fire departments, along with Eastside Fire and Rescue responded to the fire, which had fully engulfed the garage by the time firefighters arrived, according to Redmond Fire Cap. Don Sanderson.
Sanderson said firefighters could smell a gasoline odor when they arrived. One firefighter did injure his knee while battling the blaze and was transported to a local emergency department as a precaution.?Sanderson called the injury "minor" and said the firefighter is expected to make a full recovery.
Contact Redmond Reporter Reporter Samantha Pak at or 425-867-0353, ext. 5052.
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 28 (HealthDay News) -- A new examination of the origin of syphilis supports the theory that the sexually transmitted disease was carried to Europe aboard Christopher Columbus' ships as they sailed home from the New World.
The disease was not spread through sexual contact at the time, but adapted to survive once it got to Europe, Emory University researchers say.
"Syphilis has been around for 500 years," study co-leader Molly Zuckerman, a former Emory graduate student who is now an assistant professor at Mississippi State University, said in an Emory news release. "People started debating where it came from shortly afterwards, and they haven't stopped since. It was one of the first global diseases, and understanding where it came from and how it spread may help us combat diseases today."
After analyzing skeletal evidence in 54 published reports, the researchers found that syphilis did not exist in Europe until after Columbus' historic voyage to the New World in 1492. They said that most of the skeletal material lacked characteristics that would meet standard diagnostic criteria for chronic syphilis, such as small holes on the skull and long bones.
It appears that skeletons previously considered evidence of syphilis in Europe before Columbus' trip were dated incorrectly because of seafood consumption, which would have altered the collagen levels of the skeletons, the researchers said.
Their appraisal is published in the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology.
"This is the first time that all 54 of these cases have been evaluated systematically," said study co-author George Armelagos, an anthropologist at Emory, in the news release. "The evidence keeps accumulating that a progenitor of syphilis came from the New World with Columbus' crew and rapidly evolved into the venereal disease that remains with us today."
The researchers suggested someone sailing with Columbus brought Treponema -- the bacteria that causes syphilis -- to Europe. This type of bacteria also causes other diseases that are spread through skin-to-skin or oral contact in tropical climates. Their theory is that the bacteria mutated into the sexually transmitted form to survive in the cooler and more sanitary conditions of Europe.
"In reality, it appears that venereal syphilis was the byproduct of two different populations meeting and exchanging a pathogen," Zuckerman said. "It was an adaptive event, the natural selection of a disease, independent of morality or blame."
The researchers said more study is needed to confirm their findings. "The origin of syphilis is a fascinating, compelling question," Zuckerman said. "The current evidence is pretty definitive, but we shouldn't close the book and say we're done with the subject. The great thing about science is constantly being able to understand things in a new light."
More information
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides more information on syphilis.
Paul Allen, a Google+ watcher whose estimates about the social network's growth have proved accurate in the past, claims that the site now has 62 million users and is adding 625,000 new users per day. "It may be the holidays, the TV commercials, the Android 4 signups, celebrity and brand appeal, or positive word of mouthmor a combination of all these factors," Allen wrote on his G+ profile page Tuesday, "but there is no question that the number of new users signing up for Google+ each day has accelerated markedly in the past several weeks."
[More from Mashable: Google?s Flight Search Sparks Antitrust Fears]
Allen, the founder of, takes an unusual approach to come by his estimates: He and his staff run hundreds of queries on surnames they've been tracking since July and then extrapolate the size of the network.
At this rate, Allen writes, G+ will reach 100 million users by Feb. 25, 2012 and 200 million by Aug. 3. By this time next year, G+ will have close to 300 million users.
[More from Mashable: The Pros & Cons of Google+ for Small Business]
Allen, however, doesn't address how many of those 62 million are active users. Experian Hitwise, however, found that those users are on the rise as well, though they represent a fraction of G+'s base. Hitwise found that total visits to G+ hit 9.4 million for the week ending Dec. 17, the most recent full week it tracked. That was a nice jump over the 7.2 million visits G+ experienced in the comparable week in November, but below the 15 million visits to G+ for the week ending Sept. 24, when Google opened the previously invitation-only site to the public.
Google's last official acknowledgement of G+'s membership came during a conference call with analysts, when CEO Larry Page pegged the figure at 40 million.
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Revisit, or discover for the first time, the best Quake movies of 2011 as this feature spotlights the best frags, editing and entertainment in the world of Quake moviemaking for 2011.
Part one sees a number of top tier players and editors showing their best work from 2011. On the player side of things Strenx, Cooller, Reptile and Spart1e all got their own movies this year. From the editing realm ZeRoQL showed why he's the best editor in QuakeLive, Subtitled produced a gem and mccormic created a truly euphoric effort.
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Holloway, who was being treated for stomach cancer in Texas, died Saturday afternoon, said Currie Ballard, former university historian in residence. He was 81.
Holloway worked for 40 years of service to Langston, a historically black university, where he rose from assistant registrar to become the 14th president in 1979.
Before becoming president, Holloway had served as the school's registrar, a professor, vice president of administration and dean of student affairs. Holloway also was a student at Langston.
Click here to read the complete article at
Pounding drums, singing, vibrant clothes and a week of feasts beginning tonight mark the start of Kwanzaa.
Each night of the holiday celebrates African-American culture and heritage through one of the seven principles: umoja (unity), kujichagulia (self-determination), ujima (collective work and responsibility), ujamaa (cooperative economics), nia (purpose), kuumba (creativity) and imani (faith).
The original purpose was to give African-Americans a way to celebrate their roots, but Kwanzaa has since expanded to include all cultures. The holiday lasts seven days and ends Jan. 1.
Here are some celebrations happening around South Florida this week.
Sankofa Returns: African Heritage Cultural Arts Center, 6161 NW 22nd Ave., Miami. Dec. 26. 6 p.m.
AALRC Celebrates Kwanzaa: African Heritage Cultural Arts Center, 6161 NW 22nd Ave., Miami. Dec. 28. 1 p.m. ? 7.
Candle-lighting, guest speaker:Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, 2400 Charleston St., Hollywood. Dec. 28, 7 p.m..
Steel drumming, dance, drama and poetry:African American Research Library and Cultural Center, 2650 Sistrunk Blvd., Fort Lauderdale. Dec. 28; 1 p.m.-7.
A Kwanzaa Experience: Joseph Caleb Center Auditorium, 5400 NW 22 Ave., Miami. Dec. 29. 6:30 p.m.
Candle-lighting and discussion:Washington Park Community Center, 5199 Pembroke Road, Hollywood. Dec. 29, 7 p.m.
Florida A&M University Alumni Association?s Williams Woodard Legacy Kwanzaa Celebration: African Heritage Cultural Arts Center, 6161 NW 22nd Ave., Miami. Dec 30. 7 p.m.
Lessons on the principles of Kwanzaa: St. Matthew?s Episcopal Church Parrish Hall, 404 SW 3rd Ave., Delray Beach; Dec. 30. 7 p.m. to 9.
Dance, storytelling and art exhibits:Bass Park, 2750 NW 19th Street, Fort Lauderdale. Dec. 31, 1 p.m. to 5.
1B | Prince Fielder | free agent | Free Agents
The Baltimore Orioles have interest in free-agent 1B Prince Fielder (Brewers), but not at the current asking price.
1B | Justin Morneau | Minnesota Twins | Injury, Fantasy, Minnesota Twins general manager Terry Ryan said 1B Justin Morneau (concussion) is feeling good in the offseason. Also, SPs Scott Baker (elbow) and Nick Blackburn (forearm) are also healing.
Second Baseman
2B | Matt Kata | Texas Rangers | Transaction
The Texas Rangers re-signed 3B Matt Kata to a minor league deal with an invite to spring training Thursday, Dec. 22.
SS | Mitchell Hilligoss | free agent | Transaction, Free Agents,
The Texas Rangers released P Kasey Kiker and SS Mitchell Hilligoss Thursday, Dec. 22.
C | Brian Esposito | Cincinnati Reds | Transaction, Free Agents
The Cincinnati Reds signed free-agent C Brian Esposito (Astros) to a minor league contract.
C | Ivan Rodriguez | free agent | Free Agents
The Houston Astros may show interest in free-agent C Ivan Rodriguez (Nationals) if they decide not to keep C Humberto Quintero.
C | Derek Norris | Oakland Athletics | Transaction, Fantasy,
The Oakland Athletics traded SP Gio Gonzalez to the Washington Nationals Thursday, Dec. 22, in exchange for P A.J. Cole, C Derek Norris, SP Brad Peacock and SP Tom Milone.
C | Rob Johnson | New York Mets | Transaction
The New York Mets signed free-agent C Rob Johnson (Padres) to a minor league deal Thursday, Dec. 22.
OF | Carlos Beltran | St. Louis Cardinals | Fantasy
Updating a previous report, the St. Louis Cardinals have signed OF Carlos Beltran to a two-year deal worth $26 million. The contract also includes a full no-trade clause.
OF | Nick Swisher | New York Yankees | Fantasy
The Cleveland Indians and several other teams have called the New York Yankees to discuss the availability of OF Nick Swisher, according to major league sources. However, Swisher doesn't seem to be a realistic target for Cleveland. The Yankees are doubtful to trade Swisher to any team because they lack another major league ready right fielder.
OF | Seth Smith | Colorado Rockies | Fantasy Colorado Rockies OF Seth Smith is drawing interest from the Seattle Mariners, Oakland Athletics, Atlanta Braves, New York Mets and Tampa Bay Rays, according to major league sources.
OF | Yoenis Cespedes | free agent | Free Agents, Fantasy
The New York Yankees are not expected to go after Cuban OF Yoenis Cespedes when he becomes a free agent because they don't have the payroll flexibility this year. Cespedes is expected to cost around $30-35 million.
OF | Mike Stanton | Miami Marlins | Fantasy,
The Miami Marlins appear to be long shots to acquire Oakland Athletics SP Gio Gonzalez in a trade this winter. Miami is not willing to part with a player such as OF Mike Stanton to land the lefty.
OF | Eugenio Velez | St. Louis Cardinals | Transaction, Free Agents
The St. Louis Cardinals signed free-agent IF Eugenio Velez (Dodgers) and RP R.J. Swindle (Rays) to minor league contracts.
Starting Pitcher
SP | Travis Wood | Chicago Cubs | Transaction
Updating previous reports, the Chicago Cubs will receive SP Travis Wood, OF Dave Sappelt and 3B Ronald Torreyes from the Cincinnati Reds for RP Sean Marshall.
SP | Brian Burres | San Francisco Giants | Transaction, Free Agents
The San Francisco Giants have signed free-agent SP Brian Burres (Pirates) to a minor league contract.
SP | Francisco Liriano | Minnesota Twins | Fantasy, Minnesota Twins general manager Terry Ryan said SP Francisco Liriano is not expected to pitch in winter ball in the Dominican Republic.
SP | Joe Saunders | free agent | Free Agents, Fantasy,
The Miami Marlins are still looking at free-agent SP Joe Saunders (Diamondbacks) to replace SP Chris Volstad in the rotation.
SP | Chien-Ming Wang | Washington Nationals | Fantasy, Washington Nationals SPs Ross Detwiler and Chien-Ming Wang are likely to battle for the No. 5 rotation spot in spring training. SP John Lannan is expected to be the fourth starter behind SPs Stephen Strasburg, Gio Gonzalez and Jordan Zimmermann.
SP | Jason Marquis | Minnesota Twins | Transaction, Fantasy,
The Minnesota Twins signed free-agent SP Jason Marquis (Diamondbacks) to a one-year, $3 million deal Thursday, Dec. 22.
SP | John Danks | Chicago White Sox | Fantasy, New York Yankees general manager Brian Cashman said the team was never close to acquiring SP John Danks from the Chicago White Sox, according to a baseball official familiar with the talks.
Relief Pitcher
RP | Manuel Corpas | Chicago Cubs | Transaction, Free Agents
The Chicago Cubs have signed free-agent RP Manuel Corpas (Rangers) to a one-year deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.
RP | Andrew Bailey | Oakland Athletics | Fantasy,
The Boston Red Sox are attempting to pull off a blockbuster deal with the Oakland Athletics to acquire SP Gio Gonzalez and RP Andrew Bailey. The Texas Rangers and Tampa Bay Rays are also trying to trade for Bailey.
RP | Francisco Cordero | free agent | Free Agents, Fantasy,
Free-agent RP Francisco Cordero (Reds) is seeking a multi-year deal and a situation where he is the clearcut closer on a team, according to his agent, Bean Stringfellow. The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim would seem to be out with RP Jordan Walden in place as the closer.
RP | Luis Ayala | free agent | Free Agents,
The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim have yet to reach out to free-agent RPs Luis Ayala (Yankees) or Dan Wheeler (Red Sox) as they look to upgrade their bullpen.
Kim Kardashian isn't just over Kris Humphries, according to the latest issue of OK! Weekly. She's already planning for motherhood...
... with Reggie Bush!
“Kris just wasn’t the guy for Kim,” a source tells the tabloid. “Not as a husband, but certainly not as a father, and ever since they broke up she’s been thinking about Reggie more and more.”
The insider goes on to describe the Dolphins running back as "father material," something that appeals to Kardashian, who has never made a secret of her desire to have children.
"Kim has always wanted to be a mom and she knows she will be," says the source, apparently ignoring Kim's whining last month about how she may be stuck forever as an aunt. "She has always adored children and she is naturally very maternal."
How does the universally hated Humphries feel about all this? The unnamed mole says Kim's desire to procreate with Bush is "throwing Kris for a loop" because:
“One minute she wants to have kids with him, the next minute she doesn’t want kids at all and she’s saying that she just wants to be a really good aunt. And now people are saying she wants to get pregnant with her ex!”
Homer Simpson knows the problem. What do you give to someone who lives abnormally? Outside ordinary categories?
Well, English muffins are always welcome, but since we're about to hit the weekend (and I'm permitted to play) I've come up with a short list of gifts that would satisfy somebody
1. A Paleolithic Telephone
It doesn't ring, doesn't answer, and never needs recharging. Of course, it doesn't do anything, either, but it's oh so elegant. Created by graphic designer Jennifer Daniel and her mom.
Jennifer Daniel, Sandi Daniel/Flickr
2. A Perfect Hideaway
Who wouldn't want to live in a cozy, teeny weeny, grass-roofed Hobbit Home? This one (which we've gift wrapped so you can open it yourself), was built by Simon Dale in Wales for about $5,200 (he did it himself). It would be like living in a dream.
3. Wheeeee! Without Worries
Speaking of staircases, here's an attachment for people have always wanted to slide down banisters, but worry about ... umm ... collateral damage. This is the perfect gift for a wuss.
4. A Hang Drum
I don't know how they work, but musician Daniel Waples, plopped on a sidewalk in Oslo, Norway, makes it look so easy I want to try. Wikipedia says there's nothing inside a "hang" (they don't call it a drum,) but air; those knobs and bumps give it resonance, and all you have to do is remember to play the right side, as Daniel will demonstrate. ...
5. Bacon Aroma In The Morning
There's something about the sizzle and smell of bacon in the morning that makes some people instantly happy. (I'm not a bacon eater, but I know people who wiggle with pleasure when they catch a whiff from the kitchen.) Well, here's an alarm clock that wakes you up, not with a buzz, but with the wafting smell of bacon. It's the Wake N' Bacon, from designer Matty Sallin and friends.
So, if any of you out there have a hobbit-house loving, banister sliding, bacon-sniffing, telephone using, bowl-tapping friend on your shopping list ... you're all set.
Pina is nevertheless a triumph, a movie that does more than demolish the invisible wall between film and dance; it breaks the barrier that intervenes, even at a live performance, between seat and stage. I saw one of the pieces chosen for the film, Vollmond, at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in 2010, and from where I was sitting?in a budget-wise corner of the balcony?the action was shrunken down and flattened out. It looked like what it was: a bunch of people cavorting in a pool of water, some others playing with chairs, and a couple of guys clambering onto and off of a large rock. (I left during an endless standing ovation, as unmoved as I'd been two years before, while falling asleep at Bausch's Bamboo Blues.) But in the movie version, I got to see it from front-row center, and also from the 10th row stage-left, and from stage-right, and from the stage itself?right next to the boulder and under the sprays of water. Stunts that had seemed frivolous in person?hey, I'm stacking some chairs over here?were now soaked in meaning.
KABUL/NEW YORK (Reuters) - - The U.S. Army has charged eight soldiers deployed to Afghanistan in the death of Private Danny Chen, a 19-year-old Chinese-American who was bullied and taunted by fellow troops over his heritage.
Chen was found in a guard tower in southern Afghanistan after apparently shooting himself, NATO-led forces in Afghanistan said on Wednesday.
Chen's platoon leader, 1st Lieutenant Daniel Schwartz, was among the accused, charged with dereliction of duty. Other soldiers face charges including involuntary manslaughter, assault and negligent homicide.
The case has resonated in Chen's hometown of New York City, where his mother gave an emotional press conference calling for justice for her son while Asian-American activists criticized the Army for tolerating hazing and racial discrimination.
"Whether suicide or homicide, those responsible for mistreating Danny caused his death. They must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for the killing of Danny Chen," said Elizabeth OuYang, president of the New York chapter of the OCA, which represents Asian-Americans.
The Pentagon called Chen's death a "tragic incident" but strongly rejected accusations that hazing and racial discrimination were tolerated.
"Hazing is not tolerated in the military. If it's found and it's proven, it's dealt with," said Captain John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman.
"We treat each other with dignity and respect. That's what this uniform requires. And when we don't, there is a justice system in place to deal with it. And that's what we're seeing here in the case of Private Chen."
An Army official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the eight men had been moved to an undisclosed location for their own security.
The charges were the result of a commander's inquiry into the death of Chen, an only child born in the United States to immigrant parents.
"When Danny told (me) that he wanted to serve in the Army, (I) didn't want him to go. But he was insistent," his mother Su Zhen Chen told a news conference in New York City's Chinatown. She does not speak English and her comments were loosely translated through an interpreter.
"Danny was a very good student. At his school, all his teachers, all his classmates, he had lots of friends. He gets along well with others," the translator added, saying his mother could not figure out "why they would do this in the Army."
An Army criminal investigation into the circumstances of Chen's death remains open, said a spokesman for the U.S. Army's Criminal Investigation Command.
"Aside from investigating the actual cause and manner of Private Chen's death, we are also investigating the circumstances leading up to his death," U.S.-based spokesman Chris Grey said in an email.
"You can be sure that CID will continue to conduct a professional and very thorough investigation. We are not releasing any details to the public at this point to protect the integrity of our ongoing investigation."
Chen's family has not concluded whether he committed suicide or was killed, OuYang said, adding there were no indications of depression based on his postings from Afghanistan.
Commenting on the racial taunting Chen allegedly suffered, OuYang said: "Clearly ... the Army's diversity training is not effective."
The charges come barely two months after three U.S. Marines were ordered to face court-martial on charges they physically abused and humiliated a fellow Marine who later killed himself while they were serving in Afghanistan.
Lance Corporal Harry Lew, 21, shot himself during a patrol in April after he was allegedly beaten and hazed by others in his unit for falling asleep while on sentry duty.
(Additional reporting by Phil Stewart in Washington; Editing by Eric Walsh)
When I was a kid, there used to be a mason jar in my house that was always kept just out of my reach. It looked like it was filled yogurt, but grosser. Runny, chunky, with a sickly yellow color. I didn't find out until years later that it was actually the most delicious milk liqueur I've ever tasted. More »
This week, the sun will reach that point where it will appear to shine farthest to the south of the equator, ?marking the moment of the winter solstice ? the shortest day of 2011 in the Northern Hemisphere.
The winter solstice occurs Thursday at 12:30 a.m. EST (0530 GMT), which corresponds to 9:30 p.m. PST on Wednesday for observers further west. At the time, the sun will be passing over the over the Tropic of Capricorn.
Here's how northern winter solstice works: Since June 20, the altitude of the midday sun has been lowering as its direct rays have been gradually migrating to the south. The sun's altitude above the horizon at noontime is 47 degrees lower now, compared to six months ago. As we often mention, your clenched fist held at arm's length measures roughly 10 degrees, so the sun at midday is now nearly "five fists" lower in the southern sky compared to June 21.
Ancient skywatchers had no understanding of this movement of the sun. They thought this celestial machinery might break down someday, and the sun would continue southward, never to return. As such, the lowering of the sun was cause for fear and wonder.? [10 Skywatching Misconceptions Explained]
As "armistice" is defined as a staying of the action of arms, "solstice" is a staying of the sun's apparent motion over the latitudes of the Earth. At the summer solstice, the sun stops its northward motion and begins heading south. At the winter solstice, it turns north.
Technically, at one minute past the moment of the solstice, the sun has turned around and started north.? It will cross the equator at the vernal equinox, passing into the Northern Hemisphere on March 20, at 1:14 a.m. EDT (or on the calendar date of March 19 for those living in the Mountain and Pacific Time Zones).?
When the ancients saw the sun stop and slowly climb to a higher midday location, people rejoiced; here was a promise that spring would return. Most cultures had winter solstice celebrations and some adapted it to other events.?
In Persia, the solstice marked the birthday of Mithra, the Sun King. In ancient times, Dec. 25 was the date of the lavish Roman festival of Saturnalia, a sort of bacchanalian thanksgiving. Saturnalia was celebrated around the time of the winter solstice. And in 275 A.D., the Roman Emperor, Aurelian, commemorated a feast day coinciding with the winter solstice: Die Natalis Invicti Solis ("The Birthday of the Unconquered Sun").?
Among the many varied customs linked with this special season for thousands of years, the exchanging of gifts is almost universal. Mother Nature herself offers the sky observer in north temperate latitudes the two gifts of longest nights and a sky more transparent than usual.
One reason for the clarity of a winter's night is that cold air cannot hold as much moisture as warm air can. Hence, on many nights in the summer, the warm moisture-laden atmosphere causes the sky to appear hazier.
By day it is a milky, washed-out blue, which in winter becomes a richer, deeper and darker shade of blue.? For observers in northern locations, this only adds more luster to that part of the sky containing the beautiful wintertime constellations.
Indeed, the brilliant stars and constellations that now adorn our evening sky, such as Sirius, Orion, Capella, Taurus and many others is seemingly Nature's holiday decoration to commemorate the winter solstice and enlighten the long cold nights of winter.
Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for The New York Times and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, New York.
BC-FBN--Browns-QB Decision, 3rd-Ld Writethru ,891NFL will have trainers help with concussionsAP Photo PAKS101, NY161Eds: Updates throughout. With AP Photos.By TOM WITHERSAP Sports Writer
BEREA, Ohio (AP) ? The NFL will require teams to place certified athletic trainers in the press box to help monitor head injuries, a change prompted by the Browns' failure to test quarterback Colt McCoy for a concussion.
League spokesman Greg Aiello confirmed that memos are being sent to all 32 clubs Tuesday or Wednesday to explain the new protocol, which is expected to begin with this week's games. Aiello said the trainer will be able to monitor the entire game without distraction and inform medical personnel on the sideline of any potential head injuries.
The implementation of the added trainer was first reported by Charley Casserly of CBS.
The Browns have not yet been informed of the change.
McCoy remains sidelined with the concussion sustained Dec. 8 when he was laid out on an illegal helmet-to-face mask hit by Pittsburgh linebacker James Harrison. Although he was flattened by Harrison's vicious hit, the second-year QB was not tested for a concussion and the Browns sent him back in the game after two plays.
McCoy has not yet been cleared to practice by Browns doctors. Coach Pat Shurmur said Seneca Wallace will "likely" make his second straight start for Cleveland on Saturday in Baltimore.
Shurmur refused to officially name Wallace his starter, but said, "At this point, more than likely he'll be the starter, for sure."
In the aftermath of McCoy's injury, which took place during a nationally televised game, the league sent a medical team to Cleveland last week to meet with the Browns. Commissioner Roger Goodell also took part in a four-hour conference call to discuss the team's handling of McCoy's injury, which revealed some gray areas in the league's policy on handling concussions.
Players Association representatives were also involved in the discussions. The NFLPA may still file a grievance on McCoy's behalf.
Team president Mike Holmgren explained that the Browns' medical and training staff did not test McCoy for a concussion on the field or sideline because he did not display symptoms of a concussion and that trainers and doctors did not see Harrison's devastating blow because they were attending to other injured players.
By adding an overseeing trainer, the league is hoping an extra set of eyes will help medical staffs on the sideline spot injuries and get injured players necessary care.
The Browns have had eight players sustain 11 concussions this season. Tight end Benjamin Watson was placed on injured reserve last week after getting his third concussion since July. Fullback Owen Marecic was just cleared to practice Tuesday after getting two concussions in four weeks.
Tight end Evan Moore was pleased to hear the league was considering changes to protect players.
"Unfortunately we have to be a little more reactive than proactive with this stuff because sometimes you just don't know until something happens the best way to handle it," said Moore, who suffered a concussion during training camp. "But thank goodness all of our guys are OK, and if it leads to change in the system, then that's good.
"It's unfortunate, but if it leads to change for the better in how we protect players, then so be it."
McCoy has still not fully recovered from the Harrison hit, which took place 12 days ago and is having lasting reverberations around the league. Harrison was suspended one game without pay and sat out Pittsburgh's 20-3 loss Monday night in San Francisco
McCoy was at the team's facility Tuesday. He received treatment from the team's training staff, took part in meetings and was sent home before practice.
Shurmur said he spoke with McCoy "for a long time" but does not know if the 25-year-old has sought any outside medical opinions or advice. Watson visited a specialist on head injuries before he was shut down last week.
"We're going through the process of getting him back," Shurmur said. "He's been evaluated by all of our specialists, our doctors. We are going through the process of bringing him back from what was deemed a concussion. I can't speak for what he's done behind the scenes."
Shurmur was vague about what symptoms McCoy was still experiencing and wouldn't speculate if his starting QB will play in the Jan. 1 season finale against Pittsburgh.
Per league policy, McCoy can't speak with the media until he is given medical clearance. McCoy last met with reporters following the game in Pittsburgh, which is when the Browns say he first began showing signs of a concussion.
"Like anybody that wants to play, he's anxious to get back out there," Shurmur said. "But he understands there is a process that you have to go through before he will be able to play again."
NOTES: Marecic said both of his concussions came on lead blocks, which happens to be his job. "It happens," said Marecic, who credited Cleveland's medical staff. "I just have to try to make sure it doesn't happen again. It's been frustrating. It's a physical game. I'm just excited to get back."... The Browns placed TE Alex Smith (left shoulder) and LB Titus Brown (right knee) on injured reserve. Shurmur said Brown will undergo surgery. The team also promoted LB Brian Smith from the practice squad and signed TE Dan Gronkowski, the brother of New England star TE Rob Gronkowski. ... The Browns also signed WR Torrey Grissett and LB Craig Robertson to their practice squad.
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