Saturday, May 26, 2012

Meet the Mayor: Somerville Theatre

Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.

Somerville Theatre?

Christina Miller


Best and worst films and/or events you've seen here?
The best would be the Mulberry Tree, part of the IFFBoston 2011. I don't see bad movies. Just kidding. I totally saw Sucker Punch, but it wasn't here.

Sucker Punch was the best movie ever. I am lying.
It was horrible, and about prostituting young girls and lobotomizing them so you could prostitute them. It was just bad. I'm not even sure it had a plot. I still can't figure out why Jon Hamm was in it. He was, like, hammering ice picks in girls' heads. I'm like, "Jon Hamm, what are you doing?! You're a mad man! ?Don't lobotomize people in shitty movies!"

Explain why I should visit Somerville more often.
Because Somerville is full of awesome. We have the cheapest movie theater you'll find, it serves beer, and I think Davis is it's pretty much the only square that actually has a square. I mean, it's a triangle. But it has a plaza, and people hang out and listen to music and eat ice cream and chill.

Why are so few places called "squares" literal squares?
Despite being a hub of universities, apparently they don't study geometry in Boston.

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