2011 was an exciting, stressful, occasionally scary, and very fruitful year for me, personally and professionally. I hope you are all pleased with the way life treated you this year. And if not, there?s always 2012!
Instead of reviewing my activities in the past year, I thought I?d do something a little different and share with you the blog posts and news articles from 2011 that I found the most memorable. Because there are so many, this post contains links from January through June. If I remember to do a part two, that list will undoubtedly be shorter because I started my current job in June and have had much less time for blog and news reading.
Browse, read, and enjoy. Glancing over this list, I think it probably tells you a thing or two about where my greatest interests lie.
AT&T Pretty Much Predicted 2011 in 1993
Kissing & the science of humanity
Lemur Week: Ringtailed Lemurs Look Where You?re Looking
Hard Core
The Mathematics of Beauty
No love for outsiders ? oxytocin boosts favouritism towards our own ethnic or cultural group
Stop using the word ?Caucasian? to mean white
How the diabetes-linked ?thrifty gene? triumphed with prejudice over proof
Saturday Evening Rant, Iodine Edition
Are your Allergies worst in the morning?
Extra nipples ? They?re just a matter of timing
Did Henry VIII have a blood disorder?
Masturbation calms restless leg syndrome
The danger of appealing stories: anecdata, expectations, and?skepticism
Is Bigger Really Better?
Forget chocolate on Valentine?s Day, try semen, says Surgery News editor. Retraction, resignation?follow
The ?Lesbian Until Graduation:? Now A New York Times Most Emailed Article!
That?s Not a Dinosaur!
The Neuroscience of the Gut
Sucked Out Of A Plane?
Nervous Nellies
Reflections of Gotham: Why Do New Yorkers Wear So Much Black?
That (expletive) Semen-Antidepressant?Study
Divided by language, united by gut bacteria ? people have three common gut types
Nature?s Living Tape Recorders May Be Telling Us Secrets
How peppermint may cool that irritable bowel syndrome
Superfetation: Pregnant while already pregnant
Sex on the brain: Orgasms unlock altered consciousness
Marketing food to kids with cartoon characters
Gut Bacteria Linked to Behavior: That Anxiety May Be in Your Gut, Not in Your Head
Mpemba?s baffling discovery: can hot water freeze before cold??(1969)
Bats Use Carnivorous Pitcher Plant as Living Toilet
Blue Lights Shown to Give a Brain Boost! But is a Better than?Coffee?
Semen allergy suspected in rare post-orgasm illness
Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=d053ee9c5d02b506350b5854f30c1671
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